
Grand Jury Investigation

A Times-Union report in June documented dozens of meetings about public business held without public notice or written minutes and several meetings in private places, a violation of the city's ethics code. It also uncovered a deeply flawed system of notifying the public of meetings. The grand jury is now investigating the notification and documentation.

Blog by Beth Kormanik

Thursday, October 18, 2007

'City Hall west annex'

Hyde is testifying right now. He was the council president during much of the 18-month period we investigated for possible Sunshine violations. His calendar was the one that called the Fox diner in Avondale "City Hall west annex." Hyde's calendar also contained a number of entries labeled "client breakfasts" or "client meetings" that actually turned out to be meetings with other council members. Hyde has said that was simply to indicate they were discussing non-city business.

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